Friday, July 17, 2009

Day Five

At least officially the first week of Bootcamp is over, but at least for me there's LOTS to be done this weekend, at least partly because today just didn't go as planned.

This morning I went back to the library partly for their faster computers and programs I don't have and partly to see who was there and talk with people. There was a woman with a baby sitting at the next computer, and I made a comment or two, but she wasn't receptive, and the left rather quickly.

After I finished my computer work, I returned home and made some phone calls. I didn't connect with any of my bootcamp contacts, but I did get three more contacts from my warm market. I have appointments for calls with two of them tomorrow and one on Monday, she's going away for the weekend.

After the calls I decided to stop by and see my mom and then go to a different grocery store and get more contacts. But when I got to my mom's house, she had fallen outside, had been unable to get up and had been out there for about 45 minutes she thought before she got help getting up and indoors. Except for a swollen, red nose and general soreness, I think she's okay, but I stayed to provide support and assistance, and by the time I left the store was closed, it was almost 10, and I came home for the evening two contacts shy.

The plan now is to get them over the weekend, and also get more follow-up done. I know that this doesn't really make up for today, but the reason I'm here is to help my mom, and that will remain a top priority. And at this point it's 1:15, and I'm calling it the end of my work day.

Make it a wonderful weekend. Bye for now.


  1. Hi Shannon ~~~

    Sending you and your Mom both hugs and love and prayers for well-being. You're doing an amazing and fantastic job keeping up with all your Miracle Team leads, getting into the community, working; and caring for your Mom. I'm so thankful her hips are intact . . . I'm sorry she may look like Rudolph for a few days, and be in pain, but sparing her hips and her wrists gives me a great amount of Thanksgiving and I imagine you understand exactly what I mean.

    Great luck with your follow-ups and other tasks this weekend.

  2. What a great first week! I am trying to catch up with all my fellow boot campers blogs. Have a great Day! Keep up the great Job!
    thanks for adding me to your facebook

  3. Hi Shannon,

    You're doing fabulous, and absolutely right to put your Mom first. I'm glad you were there for her. This weekend will give you the time to catch up and make your followup calls. :)

