Monday, July 13, 2009

Day One

We have officially begun, today is the first day of My Power Mall's Miracle Bootcamp. The first thing was a teleconference of members and leaders for a discussion of goals and obstacles this morning, then it was off to "move beans" and get at least five contacts. The thing is, you talk with as many people as it takes to find five who are willing to give you their name, phone number, and email address.

Fist of all, a cousin stopped by on her way to lunch, and when money came up in the conversation, it was easy to bring up MPM. She's not too excited about keeping track of receipts, but we'll see.

The second was a woman I met at the grocery store. When I asked her if she was going to get money back for the groceries she was buying, she was curious about finding out more.

There was also a woman just finishing checking out at Walmart that I would have liked to have talked to (she had just spent $80 there). But she vanished into the parking lot before I could speak with her.

My last three contacts came from long time friends that I hadn't spoken with in quite a while. I'm not sure how excited they were about MPM, but they agreed to take a look, so we'll see what happens. I am so thankful to have good friends.

Earlier this afternoon, I was remembering that two weeks ago on the Family Chat call, Lana commented that she asks people if they like to shop and if they do she tells them she has something she has to tell them about. But if the answer is "No, I don't really like shopping," or even, "No, I hate to shop," that's still an invitation to tell them about MPM. If they don't like to shop they can save time, money, and hassle by going to their mall, searching for exactly what they want, make a quick purchase and get out. If they love shopping they can spend all the time they want exploring all the stores and items that they like. I love it when no one is left out.

That's all for now. Make it a wonderful day for yourself and someone else, too.


  1. Shannon,

    I am proud of you for getting out into your small town and doing what needed to be done. When you had only 2 contacts you reached back into your warm market to make sure that you fulfilled your commitment. Keep up the great work!


  2. I understand what it is like to be in a small town. Congratulations on making the effort to tale to both strangers and warm market. Everyone deserves to hear about MPM.

  3. Hi Shannon,

    You go, woman! I love that you have an answer for someone (like me) that hates to shop. Really! I LOVE, however, shopping on my Mall because I can find what I need or want, click a few buttons and just wait for it to show up. No slogging around the Mall only to discover they don't have my size (in TALL), or the color is awful. I love always getting what I want, when I want it. :)

    You may be in a small town but the people in that small town need MPM more than people in a big town with lots of shopping options. They can put $3 gas in their gas tank to go to town or buy it from themselves and MAKE money - making a difference at the same time.

    I believe if you set up a Mall for a school, church, or organization that most people care about, it will give you an open door to share MPM. Small towns stick together and take care of each other. Let that work for you and you'll have a huge team right where you are and then it will spread from there!

    I believe in you!
