Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tomorrow the My Power Mall Miracle Bootcamp begins, and I just received an email that I will be a participant in this adventure.

This is the second Bootcamp that My Power Mall has done, and since I followed the one last fall, I have a pretty good idea of what will be involved--this blog is one of the requirements, and at least until the bootcamp is over I'll be posting every day Monday through Friday. There may well be posts on the weekends, too, but at least for now I'm not making that a firm commitment.

We are part of Together We Can Change the World, a company that was created to provide massive funding to non-profit organizations that are making a difference in the world. While contemplating how to do that on the scale that she envisioned,our founder Ginny Dye realized that people want to help others and often even more they want to help themselves.

At that point My Power Mall was created, the only revenue producing division of Together We Can Change the World, which is set up so that revenue is created for the parent company ONLY when the members of My Power Mall earn more money first.

What we are up to is building a firm basis for our My Power Mall businesses, and you get to follow us through the ups and downs of the day to day process we are on. We'll be stretching and growing, doing things that we are already good at and things that we find challenging, maybe even frightening.

There are lots of ways to build a business on the Internet, and those of us who are taking part in this bootcamp are making a commitment to do it person to person on a daily basis. Is this going to be a challenge for me? You bet, it is. I live in small town Texas for the first time in over 40 years, and I'm not yet incorporated into the local network, so I'll have lots of growing to do.

Will it be fun, I certainly hope so. Will it be challenging, maybe I'm a little less enthusiastic about that part. Whatever it is, you get to watch, because each day there will be a new blog entry telling you what's up. And when you're ready to find out what all this is really about, go to to check it out.

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