Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day Three

Good Evening Intrepid Blog Follower,

The third day of Bootcamp is almost complete, and it has busy and interesting.

The morning began with errands to run, and since I used the errands as motivation for a walk, I did them early while it was still cool. On the way home I had a chance to visit with a woman going into work, but she was not interested in what I had to offer so no contact information.

A bit later there was the Bootcamp call, and I committed to going to the library to do emails and talk with one particular person that I know is looking for work. Alas, he was not there, but I did take advantage of faster computers and lower air conditioning than I usually have to get emails for Miracle Team leads done. I also visited for a moment with the person sitting next to me, but she was in a hurry, and we didn't talk about MPM.

By the time I left the library it was almost 100 degrees, and the idea of being out was NOT attractive, so I came home and relied on the telephone to get my leads. Three were friends from when I lived in Austin. One was a friend from Detroit, actually she lives in Ohio, but we're friends from when I was in Detroit. And one is from here.

So I got the leads I needed, though they're not really local, except in my heart, but that counts for me.

Make Thursday the best day ever. Good night.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shannon,

    I'm curious how your Follow-ups on your first two days of leads went. Making the contacts is so important, but the follow-up is where you will get the RESULTS. Sometimes that can be the scariest but it will also be the most productive. :)

    Have a great day today!

