Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Week 2, Tuesday

This afternoon follow up was on the agenda. I only reached one person, and she had not looked at the presentation, so we'll get together tomorrow. As for the others, I'm feeling a little like Ed Brooks, voice mail is getting to be one of my best friends, or at least we're spending time together.

Once again I waited until late in the day to get my contacts, but at least today that worked out okay, and just maybe more than that. It really is fun to talk with people, and I really don't mind it when people say no either. After all, when it's not my warm market, they're not a part of my life anyway.

Besides that, a friend of mine once compared offering a business opportunity to a food server offering coffee. They ask everyone. Some say yes, some say no. Either way it's about whether they want coffee, it's not about the server.

Anyway, first I went to WalMart. I wandered the aisles for a bit, but there weren't very many people there, and the prospects weren't looking all that good for getting contacts. But then as I was walking through the pet area a young lady and her mother were talking about a dog bed that they were shopping for, so I asked if they had a new dog. That started the conversation, and I found out about the dog, not new, and their rabbit, and aspirations of being a vet, and got two contacts. Yep, I'm counting both of them. The daughter is 10 so I told them a bit about Lana, and we have an appointment to talk tomorrow afternoon.

Next I went into the grocery store. Here almost immediately I ran into a man who was looking for something he couldn't find--actually it wasn't there. I suggested an alternate, but that wasn't what he was sent after, so he called his wife. Meantime another woman came up and we visited for a moment. I didn't get to talk with the man, but I did ask the woman to help me. It ends up that she has no computer, no email address, and no curiosity about what I'm doing, No contact there.

I got the things I actually went in for and then checked out. Since it was slow I asked the checker my questions and got her information, but before I could do more than find out that her why was to get her car paid for, more customers came up, so I'll get back with her later--no firm appointment time with her.

Next I stopped to get gasoline. After I paid, a woman asked me to take information about something she was doing, so I asked her my questions, but she wasn't curious either, at least not enough to give me her information, so again no contact.

When I got back to my van, I asked the man filling up next to me if he got rebates for the gas he was buying. His response was just from Discover, and we went on nicely from there. He became contact number 4.

Then when I was almost home I saw a couple of guys putting fuel in a big-rig. I didn't quite have the courage to stop, but by the time I got home (about 4 blocks away) I decided to walk back and talk with them. They were still there, and I got contact information from one of them. Both got invitation cards, and I had moved all five beans.


  1. Shannon you are going to make it work for you. Besides the West Texas crew has got to get on the board. Keep your head up.
