Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 3, Monday

This weekend I gave myself time with friends and a break from my usual schedule. It was a good decision, because even though I'm behind with a few things as a result, there is emotion and enthusiasm in the doing again.

Today my contacts came from a mixture of local people and friends at a distance. It was really good to talk and catch up with some I haven't spoken with in a while. Why is it that we let so much time pass without contacting people we care about?

Follow-up today was calls and emails with a couple of phone numbers not in service, several voice mails, and one real person. Unfortunately, the time was not right for a real conversation there either since she had a guest, but it still felt good to speak with a person rather than a machine.

Now it's back to catching up with the things that got postponed this weekend and then off to bed.

Make it a wonderful day for yourself and someone else, too.

Thanks for caring and just for being you,

1 comment:

  1. Hope you get to have some more great days. Keep on keeping on, you are going to hit pay dirt yet.
