Thursday, July 23, 2009

Week 2 Thursday

Tonight my blog entry is going to be VERY short. It's late, and it's a personal goal to be in bed by midnight tonight for the first time in quite a while. Since I have lots still to do, it's going to be a stretch to make it. So here goes--

Today I'm more back on track, that is to say that I got my contacts today, though for the most part I used people from other places and other times to get it done. The only local contact today is a client who came in for a massage this afternoon.

I didn't get as much follow up done as I'd have liked today, and that was mostly voice mail and emails. I did talk briefly with a couple of people, but one had not seen the video, and the other didn't say much more than that it wasn't something she wanted to do.

Do something nice for yourself, and make it a great weekend


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