Friday, July 31, 2009

Week 3, Friday

I'm just on my way out the door to go to Mom's, but I wanted to at least get something posted here (though the link may rival Tom)

I did get my contacts today, all completely local for a change. Not much got accomplished on followups, but there can be time dedicated to that this weekend, and then a final push for next week.

Make it a fantastic weekend, and don't forget T-Day tomorrow--I'll be gathering garbage and helping my mom release some clutter and get a bit more organized.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Week 3, Thursday

I'm thinking tonight's blog is going to be short and sweet, or at least short. It's already after midnight, and a large thunderstorm is almost here, so I want to get this done and posted, just in case.

Today I didn't really get a lot accomplished for My Power Mall. I did get my contacts, but that's about all.

My mom fell again yesterday, this time indoors, and again she wasn't hurt; but we need to know what is going on, and since she hasn't been able to get up without help, there is an issue of her continuing to be home alone. Yesterday she got an MRI in Lubbock, the results aren't back yet, and this morning was blood and urine tests done here.

I didn't hear about the fall until today, but apparently she was pretty disoriented afterwards. My sister said when she got there, Mom asked who she was, and that while they were talking about what happened, Mom couldn't remember my dad's name for about 5 minutes.

Anyway we are moving to having someone with her all the time, "at least for a while", but that's not in place yet, and once again I spent a good sized chunk of the afternoon with her. As it stands right now I'll be staying with her at night most of the time, and working in everything else around that, but the final plans are still a bit up in the air.

This isn't what I want for her, but I'm really glad I'm here. My sister is great, and she has her own family and life to live. She wants to run the show and get things done, and that's fine with me. I'm better at accepting what is with less insistence on it being a certain way. Since Mom is pretty rigid about what she wants, too, it's a good thing that at least one of us has no particular agenda about how things are done.

If you're still reading, thanks for letting me rant, I guess this wasn't so short after all. This is just another reminder about how important it is to make time, attention and love for the people that are dear to us. Like Philip says, hug your family.

Make it a great Friday. See you later. . .

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Week 3, Wednesday

After all Ginny's talk about the heat in Washington in her update today, I have to say that my spot of Texas is wonderful right now. Though we didn't get rain at least not in town (sigh), the temperature has dropped and the wind is lovely rain cooled air, and it is a wonderful night to be outside or have all the windows open--what lovely snuggle weather!

As for the day I did some follow up calls, and actually spoke with one person. She is not willing to take on a new business right now, but I'm sending her more complete information about the rebate certificates and helping to build a solar oven factory, so at least there's the potential for success there.

And as a weather update, it is raining lightly after all, now.

I also got my contacts, but because of everything else that was going on today, these are contacts from my time (the last four years) in Michigan. Tomorrow I'll be out and about more here, so that will be a good thing.

Make it a wonderful Thursday, and remember to take time for yourself as well as others.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Week 3, Tuesday

Oops, I almost forgot to blog before the computer was shut down and I was on my way to dreamland. Still, I'll manage at least a few lines before I nod off.

Tonight on the Bootcamp call, Jacki told us she is creating more solar oven/rebate coupon information for us to use so that we can more effectively use this venue as a more efficient marketing too. I can hardly wait to see what she has to offer us.

I have already begun putting together information to give to store managers when I ask to use their space to market TWCCTW and our solar oven initiative, and I'm eager to incorporate additional info into the mix. Really I'm just eager to get this way of marketing underway.

Today's contacts are a mixture of near and far, well known and almost strangers, but they're all present and accounted for.

As for follow-up, most of my success today was with emails. Of course, I don't always know if they get read, but at least I know they got information, which isn't true with no answers and voice mails. I did finally (at 9:55 connect with one person live, but she hadn't looked at the presentation. I'll see her again tomorrow, so that will be another opportunity.

And for now, take a moment to savor what is. Now is the only time we have!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 3, Monday

This weekend I gave myself time with friends and a break from my usual schedule. It was a good decision, because even though I'm behind with a few things as a result, there is emotion and enthusiasm in the doing again.

Today my contacts came from a mixture of local people and friends at a distance. It was really good to talk and catch up with some I haven't spoken with in a while. Why is it that we let so much time pass without contacting people we care about?

Follow-up today was calls and emails with a couple of phone numbers not in service, several voice mails, and one real person. Unfortunately, the time was not right for a real conversation there either since she had a guest, but it still felt good to speak with a person rather than a machine.

Now it's back to catching up with the things that got postponed this weekend and then off to bed.

Make it a wonderful day for yourself and someone else, too.

Thanks for caring and just for being you,

Friday, July 24, 2009

Week 2 Friday

The second week of bootcamp is officially over. It's hard to believe that we are already half-way through the program, and there is still LOTS to be done.

Follow-up is still going a bit slowly as far as actually talking with contacts again, but the good news is that this is a small town and there's really not much place to hide. The bad news is that people will give me contact information to be polite without any real interest in the program. That means non-working phone numbers and emails that get returned, and vague replies. A quick no can be much more helpful than seeming interest and cooperation that leads nowhere.

The good news is that I got my contacts for the day mostly with long time friends. It's wonderful to catch up and find out what is going on with them. And speaking of talking with friends, because I just got off the phone and it is now 12:45 p.m. I'm going to close this down for the night and go to bed.

Make it a wonderful weekend, and do something good for yourself, too.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Week 2 Thursday

Tonight my blog entry is going to be VERY short. It's late, and it's a personal goal to be in bed by midnight tonight for the first time in quite a while. Since I have lots still to do, it's going to be a stretch to make it. So here goes--

Today I'm more back on track, that is to say that I got my contacts today, though for the most part I used people from other places and other times to get it done. The only local contact today is a client who came in for a massage this afternoon.

I didn't get as much follow up done as I'd have liked today, and that was mostly voice mail and emails. I did talk briefly with a couple of people, but one had not seen the video, and the other didn't say much more than that it wasn't something she wanted to do.

Do something nice for yourself, and make it a great weekend


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Week 2, Wednesday

I totally 100% agree with Philip, today was a fabulous summer day in west Texas. The high was in the mid 70's, but that was last night near midnight. This morning when the rain began the temperature dropped to the mid 60's and stayed there the rest of the day. I don't know how much rain we got, but a lot, and it's raining again now.

The bad part is I did not get my contacts today. I dialed phone numbers and sent emails by the buckets full, but the only person I spoke with in person was a neighbor across the alley, and all we did was introduce ourselves. There will be other opportunities to say more to him later when I'm not totally filthy from grubbing in the dirt and taking care of deferred maintenance projects that I just haven't faced when it's near 100.

Make it a great day.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Week 2, Tuesday

This afternoon follow up was on the agenda. I only reached one person, and she had not looked at the presentation, so we'll get together tomorrow. As for the others, I'm feeling a little like Ed Brooks, voice mail is getting to be one of my best friends, or at least we're spending time together.

Once again I waited until late in the day to get my contacts, but at least today that worked out okay, and just maybe more than that. It really is fun to talk with people, and I really don't mind it when people say no either. After all, when it's not my warm market, they're not a part of my life anyway.

Besides that, a friend of mine once compared offering a business opportunity to a food server offering coffee. They ask everyone. Some say yes, some say no. Either way it's about whether they want coffee, it's not about the server.

Anyway, first I went to WalMart. I wandered the aisles for a bit, but there weren't very many people there, and the prospects weren't looking all that good for getting contacts. But then as I was walking through the pet area a young lady and her mother were talking about a dog bed that they were shopping for, so I asked if they had a new dog. That started the conversation, and I found out about the dog, not new, and their rabbit, and aspirations of being a vet, and got two contacts. Yep, I'm counting both of them. The daughter is 10 so I told them a bit about Lana, and we have an appointment to talk tomorrow afternoon.

Next I went into the grocery store. Here almost immediately I ran into a man who was looking for something he couldn't find--actually it wasn't there. I suggested an alternate, but that wasn't what he was sent after, so he called his wife. Meantime another woman came up and we visited for a moment. I didn't get to talk with the man, but I did ask the woman to help me. It ends up that she has no computer, no email address, and no curiosity about what I'm doing, No contact there.

I got the things I actually went in for and then checked out. Since it was slow I asked the checker my questions and got her information, but before I could do more than find out that her why was to get her car paid for, more customers came up, so I'll get back with her later--no firm appointment time with her.

Next I stopped to get gasoline. After I paid, a woman asked me to take information about something she was doing, so I asked her my questions, but she wasn't curious either, at least not enough to give me her information, so again no contact.

When I got back to my van, I asked the man filling up next to me if he got rebates for the gas he was buying. His response was just from Discover, and we went on nicely from there. He became contact number 4.

Then when I was almost home I saw a couple of guys putting fuel in a big-rig. I didn't quite have the courage to stop, but by the time I got home (about 4 blocks away) I decided to walk back and talk with them. They were still there, and I got contact information from one of them. Both got invitation cards, and I had moved all five beans.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday Week 2

And so another week of Miracle bootcamp begins, and a very interesting Monday it was.

The morning was spent on the rest of my life. My mom's nose is just about back to it's normal color, she is still a bit stiff and under her eyes is bruised, too. All in all it looks like the concrete won, but really she's okay.

This afternoon I was at the library sending emails, and about the time I finished, I got information about some of the leads I've using that surprised me and rather took be aback. But there was more to be done, so I came back home to regroup and "move my beans".

My enthusiasm for getting contacts was low, and I didn't take very effective action. I did go to the dollar store and the grocery store, but I couldn't seem to initiate ANY conversations. After wandering around and not speaking with anyone, I returned home, made a few calls (no one answered) and called in for the Family Chat.

The wonderful thing about the Family Chats lately is that they are all re-motivating, so after the call, even though most of the places to make contacts were closed and it was too late to be calling people, I went out again to go to a couple of convenience stores.

They were both empty except for the people that worked there, but in both I got the contact info from the clerks. One would save the money for college--she's 19 and aspires to be an elementary teacher. The second would pay bills, we couldn't seem to get past that.

The third contact that I got was a person I met in between who asked if I needed a ride. She would pay for her house, and said she had been looking online for a business, but hadn't found anything yet that looked good to her. She obviously has a TWCCTW heart since she is willing to offer a stranger a ride at night, and then pulled over to find out what I was talking about, and I'd really like to work with her. We'll see what happens next tomorrow.

I also spoke with another man on the way. He answered my first two questions about what he would do with extra money, but when I asked for contact information, he said he didn't have an email, and didn't have time to find out what I was talking about, so didn't pursue it further.

Though I didn't get my 5, I definitely stepped out of my comfort zone going to unfamiliar places and talking with strangers on the street out in the open at night.

Make it a wonderful Tuesday for yourself and someone else, too.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Day Five

At least officially the first week of Bootcamp is over, but at least for me there's LOTS to be done this weekend, at least partly because today just didn't go as planned.

This morning I went back to the library partly for their faster computers and programs I don't have and partly to see who was there and talk with people. There was a woman with a baby sitting at the next computer, and I made a comment or two, but she wasn't receptive, and the left rather quickly.

After I finished my computer work, I returned home and made some phone calls. I didn't connect with any of my bootcamp contacts, but I did get three more contacts from my warm market. I have appointments for calls with two of them tomorrow and one on Monday, she's going away for the weekend.

After the calls I decided to stop by and see my mom and then go to a different grocery store and get more contacts. But when I got to my mom's house, she had fallen outside, had been unable to get up and had been out there for about 45 minutes she thought before she got help getting up and indoors. Except for a swollen, red nose and general soreness, I think she's okay, but I stayed to provide support and assistance, and by the time I left the store was closed, it was almost 10, and I came home for the evening two contacts shy.

The plan now is to get them over the weekend, and also get more follow-up done. I know that this doesn't really make up for today, but the reason I'm here is to help my mom, and that will remain a top priority. And at this point it's 1:15, and I'm calling it the end of my work day.

Make it a wonderful weekend. Bye for now.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 4

And on we go! This fourth day of Miracle Bootcamp was busy and productive, though effective follow-up was less successful--all voice mails and emails.

On the other hand getting new contacts was fun and effective. I walked over to the grocery store two blocks from my house and began wandering around without a cart prepared to tell anyone who asked that I was looking for inspiration for dinner.

As I walked by the cheese counter there were two women with a full cart debating block or shredded cheese. They were laughing and I laughed too, and said I felt the same way they did. then I asked them if they help me, told them a snippet about bootcamp, and followed that with a bit about Together We Can Change the World (really just why it was founded).

From there I told them that I was associated with MPM which is the revenue producing division of the company. Told them about the stimulus package and asked if they would like to find out more about it.

The result--two cards of contact information filled out.

From there I saw another lady with a cart full of small aluminum pans, cake mixes, decorating supplies, and I commented that it looked like a party was happening at her house. She told me it was for a bake sale to get the money for her daughter to go to a national contest and that they had also been doing yard sales and lemonade stands. A perfect opening, and another filled contact card.

Then I talked with a woman in a neck brace. We talked about her injury and What was going on with her, but it wasn't flowing easily, and I let that one go.

Then I spoke with another woman with a full cart using much the same tactics as with the first two women. She was curious, but didn't want to give me contact information, so on we went.

By then it was time to go, so I headed for the exit, and was actually out the door and went back in to speak with a woman with her toddler who was trying to win quarters at a machine by the door. She told me her husbands work hours have been cut in half, and of course their bills haven't been. She was very interested in the rebate certificates and immediately thought of other people who who she thought would like to know about them, so got her information, too.

At that point I really did leave, because I was expected at my sister's birthday party. There I spoke with my nephew's wife about MPM and got her information, too. We'll chat more about how MPM can impact her two children and get into more detail later, but in then was not the time.

All in all a fun and productive adventure.

Make it a wonderful Friday for yourself and for someone else, too. Night, now.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day Three

Good Evening Intrepid Blog Follower,

The third day of Bootcamp is almost complete, and it has busy and interesting.

The morning began with errands to run, and since I used the errands as motivation for a walk, I did them early while it was still cool. On the way home I had a chance to visit with a woman going into work, but she was not interested in what I had to offer so no contact information.

A bit later there was the Bootcamp call, and I committed to going to the library to do emails and talk with one particular person that I know is looking for work. Alas, he was not there, but I did take advantage of faster computers and lower air conditioning than I usually have to get emails for Miracle Team leads done. I also visited for a moment with the person sitting next to me, but she was in a hurry, and we didn't talk about MPM.

By the time I left the library it was almost 100 degrees, and the idea of being out was NOT attractive, so I came home and relied on the telephone to get my leads. Three were friends from when I lived in Austin. One was a friend from Detroit, actually she lives in Ohio, but we're friends from when I was in Detroit. And one is from here.

So I got the leads I needed, though they're not really local, except in my heart, but that counts for me.

Make Thursday the best day ever. Good night.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day Two

The second day of Miracle Boot Camp is complete, and mostly so am I.

My five leads for today are a mixed bag of family, friends and clients.

The first was a client that I asked about rebate certificates.
Second and third were family members who were also curious about the certificates

And the last two were friends that I called and chatted with about what I'm doing.

Really having the certificates as a lead it's pretty easy to get a conversation going. Even though people may be doubtful, they want to take a look.

Now, since it's already almost tomorrow, and last night was short of sleep, I'm going to say goodnight with the intention of writing more tomorrow.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Day One

We have officially begun, today is the first day of My Power Mall's Miracle Bootcamp. The first thing was a teleconference of members and leaders for a discussion of goals and obstacles this morning, then it was off to "move beans" and get at least five contacts. The thing is, you talk with as many people as it takes to find five who are willing to give you their name, phone number, and email address.

Fist of all, a cousin stopped by on her way to lunch, and when money came up in the conversation, it was easy to bring up MPM. She's not too excited about keeping track of receipts, but we'll see.

The second was a woman I met at the grocery store. When I asked her if she was going to get money back for the groceries she was buying, she was curious about finding out more.

There was also a woman just finishing checking out at Walmart that I would have liked to have talked to (she had just spent $80 there). But she vanished into the parking lot before I could speak with her.

My last three contacts came from long time friends that I hadn't spoken with in quite a while. I'm not sure how excited they were about MPM, but they agreed to take a look, so we'll see what happens. I am so thankful to have good friends.

Earlier this afternoon, I was remembering that two weeks ago on the Family Chat call, Lana commented that she asks people if they like to shop and if they do she tells them she has something she has to tell them about. But if the answer is "No, I don't really like shopping," or even, "No, I hate to shop," that's still an invitation to tell them about MPM. If they don't like to shop they can save time, money, and hassle by going to their mall, searching for exactly what they want, make a quick purchase and get out. If they love shopping they can spend all the time they want exploring all the stores and items that they like. I love it when no one is left out.

That's all for now. Make it a wonderful day for yourself and someone else, too.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tomorrow the My Power Mall Miracle Bootcamp begins, and I just received an email that I will be a participant in this adventure.

This is the second Bootcamp that My Power Mall has done, and since I followed the one last fall, I have a pretty good idea of what will be involved--this blog is one of the requirements, and at least until the bootcamp is over I'll be posting every day Monday through Friday. There may well be posts on the weekends, too, but at least for now I'm not making that a firm commitment.

We are part of Together We Can Change the World, a company that was created to provide massive funding to non-profit organizations that are making a difference in the world. While contemplating how to do that on the scale that she envisioned,our founder Ginny Dye realized that people want to help others and often even more they want to help themselves.

At that point My Power Mall was created, the only revenue producing division of Together We Can Change the World, which is set up so that revenue is created for the parent company ONLY when the members of My Power Mall earn more money first.

What we are up to is building a firm basis for our My Power Mall businesses, and you get to follow us through the ups and downs of the day to day process we are on. We'll be stretching and growing, doing things that we are already good at and things that we find challenging, maybe even frightening.

There are lots of ways to build a business on the Internet, and those of us who are taking part in this bootcamp are making a commitment to do it person to person on a daily basis. Is this going to be a challenge for me? You bet, it is. I live in small town Texas for the first time in over 40 years, and I'm not yet incorporated into the local network, so I'll have lots of growing to do.

Will it be fun, I certainly hope so. Will it be challenging, maybe I'm a little less enthusiastic about that part. Whatever it is, you get to watch, because each day there will be a new blog entry telling you what's up. And when you're ready to find out what all this is really about, go to to check it out.