Thursday, July 30, 2009

Week 3, Thursday

I'm thinking tonight's blog is going to be short and sweet, or at least short. It's already after midnight, and a large thunderstorm is almost here, so I want to get this done and posted, just in case.

Today I didn't really get a lot accomplished for My Power Mall. I did get my contacts, but that's about all.

My mom fell again yesterday, this time indoors, and again she wasn't hurt; but we need to know what is going on, and since she hasn't been able to get up without help, there is an issue of her continuing to be home alone. Yesterday she got an MRI in Lubbock, the results aren't back yet, and this morning was blood and urine tests done here.

I didn't hear about the fall until today, but apparently she was pretty disoriented afterwards. My sister said when she got there, Mom asked who she was, and that while they were talking about what happened, Mom couldn't remember my dad's name for about 5 minutes.

Anyway we are moving to having someone with her all the time, "at least for a while", but that's not in place yet, and once again I spent a good sized chunk of the afternoon with her. As it stands right now I'll be staying with her at night most of the time, and working in everything else around that, but the final plans are still a bit up in the air.

This isn't what I want for her, but I'm really glad I'm here. My sister is great, and she has her own family and life to live. She wants to run the show and get things done, and that's fine with me. I'm better at accepting what is with less insistence on it being a certain way. Since Mom is pretty rigid about what she wants, too, it's a good thing that at least one of us has no particular agenda about how things are done.

If you're still reading, thanks for letting me rant, I guess this wasn't so short after all. This is just another reminder about how important it is to make time, attention and love for the people that are dear to us. Like Philip says, hug your family.

Make it a great Friday. See you later. . .


  1. Shannnon ~~

    Sending you, your Mom, and your sister hugs from across the miles. I'm glad you're there, too. Your Mom is blessed to have you nearby-- hearing the call to come back home -- Angels talking and guiding you all . . .

    Stay well and continue to transition peacefully.

  2. Shannon, I hope all does well with your MOM. We went through a similiar deal with mine and Minnie's MOM. Take one day at a time and don't look back on the decisions you make and second guess yourself.It gets to be nerve racking but you can make it. God want put more on you than you can handle.
