Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Week 2, Wednesday

I totally 100% agree with Philip, today was a fabulous summer day in west Texas. The high was in the mid 70's, but that was last night near midnight. This morning when the rain began the temperature dropped to the mid 60's and stayed there the rest of the day. I don't know how much rain we got, but a lot, and it's raining again now.

The bad part is I did not get my contacts today. I dialed phone numbers and sent emails by the buckets full, but the only person I spoke with in person was a neighbor across the alley, and all we did was introduce ourselves. There will be other opportunities to say more to him later when I'm not totally filthy from grubbing in the dirt and taking care of deferred maintenance projects that I just haven't faced when it's near 100.

Make it a great day.

1 comment:

  1. I think the big end of West Texas got a rain. Hope we all get some more.
    Hang in there your time is coming for a batch of sign ups and a lot of contacts.
