Thursday, August 6, 2009

Week 4, Thursday

Tonight was the last bootcamp team call. The plan for the call was to talk about what our plan is to continue what we started during these four weeks and continue to build our businesses.

For me, that means a respite for a day or two for a break and reorganization, then continue contacting people and following up, and following up, and following up.

Everyone had a plan in mind, but what we seemed to want to do most was appreciate the time we've spent together through this and all of the work everyone has been doing.

Congratulations were given out to all who stuck out the program, and thanks for jobs excellently done were also given to Jacki and Susan. In spite of Susan's efforts to deflect our praise of her, we couldn't have done this without her OR without Jacki to keep us on track and moving forward.

Perhaps the most valuable part of the whole bootcamp experience is connecting with others who have similar goals for support and encouragement and ideas for additional things to try and how to go about them. I'm definitely going to miss the structure of calls and blogs and reports, but I also know that I can set my own goals and schedules and monitor my results.

I am so thankful and grateful that I have been a part of this bootcamp and getting to know the other people in the program in a more personal way.

That's all for tonight. Make it a wonderful Friday for yourself and someone else, too.

May you rest well and wake with energy and enthusiasm for the day ahead.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Week 4, Tuesday

Since this it officially the last week of bootcamp, everyone is pushing to the end, and at the same time there is a feeling of nostalgia, too. I'm going to miss gathering for calls each week, and from the sound of things, so are most of the other bootcampers. Tonight's bootcamp call was full of appreciation for each other, and that's a good thing.

Jacki wasn't there, but Susan, as usual, did a great job. Without her attention to detail, I'm not sure how we'd get through all of this.

As for my MPM day, I made some contacts, did some follow-up with others, and also set appointment times for later in the week.

The really big news of the day is Tess and Big Z's new World Changer Mall Member.

CONGRATULATIONS, Tess and Big Z ! ! ! !

Make Wednesday a Wonderful Day!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Week 4, Monday

The last week of bootcamp has begun, and today was filled with contacts to make and follow ups to do.

We made calls and managed to connect with one real live person. We had a lovely chat, but at this time she is not ready to go farther with MPM. She says she likes what she saw in the presentation, but right now too much is going on for her to add anything else.

That's a feeling I certainly understand right now, and there's always later. In the meantime I can make casual mentions when I see her so the thread won't be completely broken.

This morning on the bootcamp call, I committed to begin approaching businesses today. I did visit one of the downtown stores, but the person I wanted to speak with wasn't there, so I'll have to try that again.

I'm not sure how positive the outcome was for the day, but I did get my five contacts, and get at least some follow-up done.

Make it a wonderful Tuesday.


Friday, July 31, 2009

Week 3, Friday

I'm just on my way out the door to go to Mom's, but I wanted to at least get something posted here (though the link may rival Tom)

I did get my contacts today, all completely local for a change. Not much got accomplished on followups, but there can be time dedicated to that this weekend, and then a final push for next week.

Make it a fantastic weekend, and don't forget T-Day tomorrow--I'll be gathering garbage and helping my mom release some clutter and get a bit more organized.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Week 3, Thursday

I'm thinking tonight's blog is going to be short and sweet, or at least short. It's already after midnight, and a large thunderstorm is almost here, so I want to get this done and posted, just in case.

Today I didn't really get a lot accomplished for My Power Mall. I did get my contacts, but that's about all.

My mom fell again yesterday, this time indoors, and again she wasn't hurt; but we need to know what is going on, and since she hasn't been able to get up without help, there is an issue of her continuing to be home alone. Yesterday she got an MRI in Lubbock, the results aren't back yet, and this morning was blood and urine tests done here.

I didn't hear about the fall until today, but apparently she was pretty disoriented afterwards. My sister said when she got there, Mom asked who she was, and that while they were talking about what happened, Mom couldn't remember my dad's name for about 5 minutes.

Anyway we are moving to having someone with her all the time, "at least for a while", but that's not in place yet, and once again I spent a good sized chunk of the afternoon with her. As it stands right now I'll be staying with her at night most of the time, and working in everything else around that, but the final plans are still a bit up in the air.

This isn't what I want for her, but I'm really glad I'm here. My sister is great, and she has her own family and life to live. She wants to run the show and get things done, and that's fine with me. I'm better at accepting what is with less insistence on it being a certain way. Since Mom is pretty rigid about what she wants, too, it's a good thing that at least one of us has no particular agenda about how things are done.

If you're still reading, thanks for letting me rant, I guess this wasn't so short after all. This is just another reminder about how important it is to make time, attention and love for the people that are dear to us. Like Philip says, hug your family.

Make it a great Friday. See you later. . .

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Week 3, Wednesday

After all Ginny's talk about the heat in Washington in her update today, I have to say that my spot of Texas is wonderful right now. Though we didn't get rain at least not in town (sigh), the temperature has dropped and the wind is lovely rain cooled air, and it is a wonderful night to be outside or have all the windows open--what lovely snuggle weather!

As for the day I did some follow up calls, and actually spoke with one person. She is not willing to take on a new business right now, but I'm sending her more complete information about the rebate certificates and helping to build a solar oven factory, so at least there's the potential for success there.

And as a weather update, it is raining lightly after all, now.

I also got my contacts, but because of everything else that was going on today, these are contacts from my time (the last four years) in Michigan. Tomorrow I'll be out and about more here, so that will be a good thing.

Make it a wonderful Thursday, and remember to take time for yourself as well as others.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Week 3, Tuesday

Oops, I almost forgot to blog before the computer was shut down and I was on my way to dreamland. Still, I'll manage at least a few lines before I nod off.

Tonight on the Bootcamp call, Jacki told us she is creating more solar oven/rebate coupon information for us to use so that we can more effectively use this venue as a more efficient marketing too. I can hardly wait to see what she has to offer us.

I have already begun putting together information to give to store managers when I ask to use their space to market TWCCTW and our solar oven initiative, and I'm eager to incorporate additional info into the mix. Really I'm just eager to get this way of marketing underway.

Today's contacts are a mixture of near and far, well known and almost strangers, but they're all present and accounted for.

As for follow-up, most of my success today was with emails. Of course, I don't always know if they get read, but at least I know they got information, which isn't true with no answers and voice mails. I did finally (at 9:55 connect with one person live, but she hadn't looked at the presentation. I'll see her again tomorrow, so that will be another opportunity.

And for now, take a moment to savor what is. Now is the only time we have!