Monday, August 3, 2009

Week 4, Monday

The last week of bootcamp has begun, and today was filled with contacts to make and follow ups to do.

We made calls and managed to connect with one real live person. We had a lovely chat, but at this time she is not ready to go farther with MPM. She says she likes what she saw in the presentation, but right now too much is going on for her to add anything else.

That's a feeling I certainly understand right now, and there's always later. In the meantime I can make casual mentions when I see her so the thread won't be completely broken.

This morning on the bootcamp call, I committed to begin approaching businesses today. I did visit one of the downtown stores, but the person I wanted to speak with wasn't there, so I'll have to try that again.

I'm not sure how positive the outcome was for the day, but I did get my five contacts, and get at least some follow-up done.

Make it a wonderful Tuesday.


1 comment:

  1. The outcome IS Positive because You are Positive and You are Taking Action and You are Committed --- even though you have other challenges happening for you with your Mom's health.

    Each and every step you take brings our intended outcomes closer to us --- and to Genpo.

    So . . . You know I just saw that email and I had to smile at our last conversation and the goal set for our future event!

    Keep up your efforts, Shannon. As you say, "Make it a great day!"
